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95 E36 318ti w/ 282 dme & 595 chip

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2024 6:47 pm
by rust_mechanic
Wanted to get into tuning lately but I'm having issues with my very niche chipset. As mentioned in the title the car is a 1995 bmw e36 318ti with a 282 dme and 595 chip. Apparently this chip is uncommon and I searched for hours and could only find 1 xdf for this chip. The xdf seems incomplete or the chip is programmed strangely. It lacks any row or column values so understanding the multiple/split fuel maps is hard. So I have a couple questions maybe somebody could help me with:

Firstly: does anybody know where a complete xdf is that I could download?

Secondly: Is it possible to run a bin file from a different chip such as the 626 chip? The 626 chip seems to be the most common for the m42 282 dme. This bin seems to be setup much better and easier to navigate.

Any help is much appreciated. I can send anything you need - xdf, bin, pictures, etc.