DA DATA ERRORS (diff then others)

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DA DATA ERRORS (diff then others)

Post by xtreamvette69 »

first i guess the basics..lappy is running windows vista business with serv pack2, using a moates cable (ALDU1 and CABL1) with tunerpro rt ver5 build 5.00.8144.00 and CDM20824_Setup.exe from moates for drivers etc all setup on com4.
car is a 85 corvette repinned for the 165 ecm

i was having DA data errors but i did the add pause edit set at 20 and that took care of those and all seemed well, i could log and record long logs with no errors or disconnects. all was well for days only time TP stopped logging or recording was when i told it to.

then things just changed, no changes to car or tune .... it seems that i still dont get the eratic data errors with the red flashing data error message, but instead TP just randomly starts flashing the Data error message and never regains connection it seems.

*i have tried the disconnect then reconnect= red flashing data error/connecting.
*tried closing TP then reopen=red flashing data error/connecting.
*reboot then open TP=red flashing data error/connecting.
*shut key off and wait=red flashing data error/connecting.

it seems to do this untill it feels it is ready to reconnect no matter what i do, kinda like its a time thing or could be engine run time temp related or just coincidence idk but seems to stop the data and connection about the time the car is 170*-200*. but this is not always the case, as i said it seems very random but yet consistant at the same time.
also it seems that after it does this once then i finally get reconnected that it will happen again even quicker... making logging for tuning very impossible. having to relog just because finaly realise that TP stopped logging sometime in the middle............

ok did further testing and these are my findings on what i checked, idk if any help or not.. i just dont know what else to check.
i checked and will add that FTDI is on com 4 and driver ver is

---cold engine (hasnt been run in past 24hrs)
---key on engine off took 37 errors to finally connect.
---connected and logging/recording @ 3:25pm, TP is running at 8:21-9:86HZ
---at 3:35pm i activate HDD protection by shaking pc=no errors or problems.
---at 3:38pm the ecm case and chip are at 79*f
---at 3:40pm i start the engine TP still logging and still recording.(no new errors)
---at 3:58pm engine is now up to 203*f and fan has kicked on. (no new errors)
---at 3:59pm just almost exactly as fan kicks off (errors begin flashing and no connect) ecm case temp is @ 90*f and chip is @91*f...........................
---after trying everything such as shut down TP then restart=nothing
---key off wait/ key on= nothing
---disconnect everything/ reconnect=nothing
---blow on ecm/chip
---4:08pm finally try to connect after blowing on ecm/chip ecm is 77* and chip is 78* car 197*f i get 16 errors then a connect. (ecm and chip temps coincedence?)
---4:12pm i start car still logging but no record
---4:16pm i get just one data error glitch
---4:17pm constant errors and not able to log or connect again... ecm case was only up to 84-85.5*f and chip was 93*f-96*f
---------------this was the end of my testing-----------------
all testing was done under the mild conditions of just setting and idling.
also keep in mind that it is an infered temp gun and being closer or further away and angle effect it some, so temp may not all be exact but close.

another test i did When TP lost connection and wouldnt connect besides trying the handheld, i also tried to jump A&B terminals ALDL and that was working perfectly..fan came on and started flashing the all ok code 12.

at all times when checked tunerpro says the cable is found and functional.. when unhooked from vehicle of course.
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Post by Mangus »

What ECU, mask, vehicle type?

Did you change the USB port that the cable was plugged into when the issue began occurring? What's the latency set to in the driver configuration in device manager?
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Post by xtreamvette69 »

its the 165 ecm from a 87 corvette installed into my 85 auto tpi corvette.
the datastream definition ADX file i'm using is 1227165_6E.adx with the added "listen for silance" added and set at 20(without that the errors and disconnects were much worse, almost constant.
and latency is set at 16in the driver configuration in device manager

the USB port is the same port as i have used since original installation and have used no other software in the past..
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Post by Mangus »

Bad ECM? TTL data output on '165s is notoriously susceptible to failure. Try swapping it with a buddy's or spare.

(I'm on my 4th ECM. Two with other or unknown failures, 2 with bad serial output. The general public wouldn't have cared, because serial output only matters to the mechanic and nerds like me. And probably you. I mean that complimentary. =)

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Post by xtreamvette69 »

Mangus wrote:Bad ECM? TTL data output on '165s is notoriously susceptible to failure. Try swapping it with a buddy's or spare.
this is my second one i tried and is a reman only days old
(I'm on my 4th ECM. Two with other or unknown failures, 2 with bad serial output. The general public wouldn't have cared, because serial output only matters to the mechanic and nerds like me. And probably you. I mean that complimentary. =)

and i hear that lol dang GM
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