Ostrich download issue

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Ostrich download issue

Post by ericruhl »

I noticed something with my Ostrich and TunerPro RT last night that I didn't notice in earlier versions of TunerPro. When I downloaded the emulator contents directly to Tunerpro the contents were getting corrupted. However if I downloaded the contents to a file (also using Tunerpro) the contents were correct. But there's more...

If I open the file in Tunerpro (either the version I just downloaded from the Ostrich or the original version that I uploaded some time ago) and compare it to the contents of the emulator it passes. If I download the emulator directly to TunerPro I get the corrupted data that I mentioned above, however if I immediately compare it to the contents of the emulator it also passes! Keep in mind that the emulator contains uncorrupted data (car runs fine and I can upload new clean data).

In short:
  • Uploading to Ostrich works fine.
  • Downloading the Ostrich to a file works fine.
  • Emulating and updating parameters on the fly works fine.
  • Downloading the Ostrich directly to Tunerpro results in corrupted data which, somehow, is still considered by Tunerpro to exactly match the uncorrupted data still on the Ostrich. I loaded up a different bin file just to confirm the comparison routine is actually working and it correctly identified that the different file and the Ostrich contents didn't match.
For now I've simply resorted to not using the option to download the ostrich directly to tunerpro and instead always save it to a file. I'm able to upload to the ostrich and emulate on the fly so it isn't a huge issue, but clearly it shouldn't be this way and I know this didn't happen before.

I'm running Tunerpro RT 4.13.04, and I tried this with the ignition on and the ignition off (sometimes it matters for the ostrich) with identical results. I downloaded and reinstalled TunerPro RT and it made no difference.

Any idea what's going on?
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    Post by ericruhl »

    Update: I tried the beta 4.14 build tonight and got the exact same result. Downloading to file and uploading to Ostrich both work great. However downloading directly to Tunerpro results in corrupted data displayed which somehow still passes the Verify test with the emulator ram contents.

    Any ideas? I miss being able to download directly to TunerPro.
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    Post by Mangus »

    What makes you think the data is corrupted?
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    Post by ericruhl »

    Because none of the displayed values are correct. A parameter that should say "7200" instead says "4200"... another that should be "220" is "53000", etc. etc. If I download it to a file and then open the file in TunerPro, the data is displayed correctly.

    I've also looked at the raw data using the built in hexeditor and it is incorrect. Again this is only if I download from the Ostrich directly to TunerPro. What seems so odd about this is that the incorrect data still passes the Verify test, along with the correct data.

    I'll grab some screenshots to help illustrate.
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    Post by Mangus »

    email me the XDF and BIN file

    mark at tunerpro _net_
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    Post by ericruhl »

    Mark is the man, he set me straight :) I had the Bin Size wrong in the XDF header (was 7FFF and should have been 8000). Tested and verified, that fixed my problem. Thanks Mark!
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