Rom to File

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Bill usn-1
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Rom to File

Post by Bill usn-1 »

I finally got to try out the RT emulation.
It appears to be working with the 7747.ecu file.
Other than not being able to use the ALDL I ran into a problem when I used the Rom to File button.
It seems to only save in the $6E format and not the default that is being used, $42.
When I saved it then try to reload it, I got an error saying it was not the proper code.
I checked the preferences but did not see how to define a default for the emulation save.

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Post by Mangus »

I'm confused. So, you loaded your bin into tuerpro, opened the emulation toolbox, uploaded the bin to the emulator, made changes, and then wanted to dump the emulator ram to a file.

so you inputted the addresses in the emulation toolbox and hit Exceute (Rom to file).


did you input the correct addresses? for a 16k bin in romulator I ram (which is 32k), you should be using the upper 16k (4000-7FFF). Is this what you did?

If so, you should be fine. If not, you should be getting all zero's or all ff's for the first 16k of the 32k file, with your bin sitting in the upper 16k.
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Post by Bill usn-1 »

To be honest, I did not pay attention to the address. I "assumed" it defaulted to the address of the selected ecu. $42- 2732- 4K.
I haven't really dealt with the hex addresses since it wasn't really needed in TC or winbin or even GMECM.
So for the 4k bin what address should I use to save the file when I'm done tweeking?

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Post by Mangus »

The "dump from emulator to file" feature is a little more advanced. You're doing something a little different than what TC or GMPCM do. Thanks for understanding.

Also, if you're emulating, whatever you have loaded into TunerPro should be identical to what is in the emulation buffer (unless you changed the emulation buffer with another program in the middle of emulating with TunerPro). That said, you can simply save the bin you have open in TunerPro and it should be representative of whats in Romulator RAM.

Here are the addresses if you still choose to use ROM to File:

start: 7000
end: 7FFF

Not to sound harsh, but many things in this area of auto-tuning rely on some knowledge of hex. You should really take a little time to teach yourself the basics.

Do what most do - use the calculator in windows. Open it, View->Scientific. Type in a decimal number, then hit HEX. It tells you the hex equivelant. In the case above, type in (Dec) 1024 * 32 (32k is the size of romulator memory). Subtract 4096 (4 * 1024, or 4k). Hit Hex. This will give you the 7000.

7FFF is 32767 (32 * 1024 - romulator 1 is 32k of RAM, minus one since addresses are zero-based).
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Post by Bill usn-1 »

Thanks for the refresher.
Back in my younger days when I had to learn vacuum tube theory and doping of PN junctions, I learned all that hex and binary and gray coded binary and octal. But you get older and just don't use it much. So your right I need to get back into it.
These windows programs just make it so easy to point and click!! :D
Guess I shouldn't have stopped after dos either.

Glad we have guys like you with the passion for knowledge.

I'll keep playing with all the features. I have thick skin so just smack me once in a while.
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Post by Mangus »

=) nah, I'm not a hitter.

I'm going to add a separate dialog box for the rom to file feature. it will be more intuitive and less technical. Basically, you'll select the bin size and the device type (romulator/autoprom) and it will auto-export.

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Post by Bill usn-1 »


Sounds good.
A tuning program for the lazy and the complete idiot.
You better get the copyrights filed! :idea:

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Post by jeepguy553 »

I can see it now in Barnes & Noble...PROM Burning for Mark Mansur and Craig Moates.
Can I please have a signed copy? I'll probably be needing it.
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