A few suggestions...

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A few suggestions...

Post by turbodig »

Had a couple ideas from playing with the app on the desk ECM..

Could there be a selectable number of monitor strips? (say, like 1-5)
Or, an overlay mode that allows multiple signals to exist on the same strip? This would make for quicker comparisons at the track.

Not sure if it does it or not, (only been playing for a day or so :) but
having a cursor on the EPROM data while in emulation mode would be
awesome. Cursor would follow the ALDL data to the current active table

Anyway, neat stuff! I always like to see the shareware/freeware stuff kick
commerical software's butt.


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Post by Mangus »

Hi Dig -

Thanks for the suggestions. Your first suggestion is "on the list" already. Your second - this is a big one, but t is planned. I need to move away from the ECU file format first.
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1989 Trans Am
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